Tuesday, November 27, 2007

My 3rd Pay it forward

For my third pay it forward I supose it was before this project started so I guess its sort of the first one but I helped make andwitches and donated toletries, soap,plates etc to Qualcomm when evacuees from the fires were staying there and i saw their living conditions and it was really bad for the evacuees but it got better seeing how many people vouletered for servecis and from wher i could see they had a "National Bank of Water" there was alot and alot of water there so i was glad the comunity is helping out so much.

My 2nd pay it forward

this site donates 10 grains of rice for a corect vocab answer and i went to this ite an started playing and i got 3010 grains of rice.. but then i had to go to dinner so that was my 2nd Pay it forward to (help) end world hunger =)try visiing it its good for the earths inhabitants =)

My first pay it forward

For my first pay it forward:
I helped a friend i have that evacuated from the fires and had to leave in a hurry I helped them clean thier house back up since they were going through their house to find important possetions when they were packing, so I was helping them get their house together to get back on track because the fires were a big problem. Luckily their house wasn't efected by the fire exept for smoke and ash damage maybe.